
Our guiding principles and what the brand BIOMETiC stands for.


We shape the future of the food and fresh produce industries.

Driven by our passion, we create success and accomplishments for our customers and us, ensuring long-term growth and profitability. We constantly invest in people and solutions to earn and maintain our customer’s trust.

We partner with our customers.


Core Values


INNOVATION – Doing it differently

EXCELLENCE – Doing it better

TRUST – Doing what we promised

COLLABORATION – Doing it together

The latest news

From our Blog

BIOMETiC has partnered with PROFEL, the European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors, to revolutionize food safety in the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Central to this collaboration is Mito, the first-ever in-line CT scanning system specifically designed for food inspection.

Do Not Hesitate to Contact Us

We are at your complete disposal. We would be happy to provide you with our know-how and free consulting services to select the best BIOMETiC solution for your food inspection and fruit sorting needs.

Contact us now, and let’s discuss how we can make your food products and fresh produce better and more secure than ever before.